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C AXIS for GXM and SGX (short and long nose) SPINDLE

As standard there are 4 fixed and 8 rotating hydraulic supplies, positioned on the reference flange in order to cool directly the tool even if mounted on the aggregate.

  • Trasmission ratio: 1:200
  • Rated output speed: 20 RPM
  • Output rated torque: 200 Nm
  • Position accuracy: < 5 arcmin
  • Available for GXM and SGX spindles

Endless rotation: no limits to the work cycle

High water pressure: up to 3,5 bar

Aggregate angle reference easily replaceable

Can be used with various brands of servomotors, both with absolute and incremental encoder (the zeroing sensor is already built in)

Technical data
Trasmisson ratio 1:200
Rated output speed 20 rpm
Rated input speed 4000 rpm
Output rated torque 200 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 400 Nm
Position accuracy < 5 arcmin
Inlet water pressure for aggregate < 3,5 bar
Weight 19 kg
Related products
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C AXIS for POWERTECH 300-400 SHORT NOSE (with Yaskawa servomotor)
C AXIS for POWERTECH 300-400 LONG NOSE (predisposition for Yaskawa servomotor installation)
C AXIS for POWERTECH 300-400 LONG NOSE (with Yaskawa servomotor)
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