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QE-1F 6.6/12 24 I30

  • 适合木材、塑料和复合材料的加工
  • 功率范围广,可满足所有类型的加工
  • 通过管理轴杆套件使维护更加简便





Technical data
Max power S1/S6 kW 6.6/7.5
Nominal power rpm 12000
Max rotation speed rpm 24000
Max torque S1/S6 Nm 5.3/5.9
Current S1/S6 A 14.5/16
Voltage V 380
Type of electrospindle Asynchronous 4 Poles
Wight kg 21


Tool taper HSK 63F
Type of tool changer Automatic
Bearings Ceramic - grease lubrication for life
Cooling Electrofan


S1 (Tool grip)
S2 (Collet open)
S3 (Spindle rotation)

Release cylinder Pneumatic double-action

Other specifications

Taper blow
Pressurised labyrinth


ISO 30
Long nose
C Axis
Air Tool
Encoder 1Vpp or TTL
Plug & play PP connection
CC circular connection
Sensor S5
Speed monitoring sensor
Bearings temperature monitoring sensor
Vibration sensor
Compressed air cooling
QE-1F 6.6/12 24 ISO30 NC CB
Technical sheet Download
Layout Download
QE-1F 6.6/12 24 ISO30 NC CC
QE-1F 6.6/12 24 ISO30 NL CB
QE-1F 6.6/12 24 ISO30 NL CC
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